Having You Is Never Enough by E. L. Todd

Having You Is Never Enough by E. L. Todd

Author:E. L. Todd [Todd, E. L.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Fallen Publishing
Published: 2014-12-27T06:00:00+00:00

I walked my parents out to their car and gave them each a hug. My mom got in the passenger seat, knowing my dad wanted to speak to me in private.

“It’s bad, isn’t it?” I whispered.

He didn’t bullshit with me. “Well, it’s not good.”

“Does Mike hate you?”

“He’s…upset.” His words hinted at a lot more.

“Just tell me.”

“He’s upset I didn’t tell him what was going on when I knew.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

“What makes him think you knew? Trinity and I haven’t told anyone.”

“He asked me.”

“Why didn’t you just lie?”

He gave me a dark look. “I’m not a liar—not my style.”

I guess I should have known that.

“But I told him you really care about her, and I knew that without you even telling me.”


“He still wasn’t thrilled.”

“But he shouldn’t be mad at you for it…I was the one who slept with her.”

“Mike and I are really close…it feels like a personal betrayal to him. But he’ll come around…he’s just stressed about his daughter right now. He said a lot of mean things but I’ve already forgiven him because I know he’s scared. Keep that in mind when you do talk to him. The worst thing in the world almost happened to him—losing his daughter. And being excluded from knowing about your relationship didn’t help matters.”

“Trinity is a grown woman. It’s none of his business who she sleeps with.”

“I couldn’t agree more. But you and I know that isn’t the case here. You’re family, Slade. Fooling around with her was unacceptable on so many levels. Mike is fiercely protective of her and you got heartbreaker written all over you.”

“I’m not going to leave her. I love her…”

Fondness shined in his eyes. “Well, you’ve spent six months convincing Trinity that…but the rest of us haven’t seen it. Be patient with him and let him catch up. Just be yourself and he’ll see how much you’ve changed and how much you care about his daughter.”

That sounded like an eternity. “How about you just tell him for me?”

He laughed. “Slade, you did this so you have to deal with the consequences. I’m not going to clean up your mess like I used when you were a young boy. And neither is your mother.”

I sighed, feeling like I was drowning. “Why can’t I just be accepted like Cayson was? Sean was thrilled.”

My dad laughed again. “First of all, Cayson is a model person. He can do no wrong. And secondly, he asked his permission first. I can guarantee Mike would have had a much different reaction if you had come to him first.”

“But I can’t change the past…and I didn’t know I’d feel this way about her.”

“Which is why he’s upset. He’s not stupid, Slade. He knows exactly what you were doing with his daughter before you actually starting giving a damn about her. And honestly, if someone I considered a son had done that to my daughter…I wouldn’t be happy either.”

I was never going to come up for air.

He gripped my shoulder. “I’m not going to give you false promises and say everything is going to be okay.


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